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We Now Accept PayPal Payments

Payments can be accepted using existing funds in your PayPal account or with your established banking account or credit/debit card.

17 Mar 2014

We just found a way to make your life that much easier.

We are now accepting PayPal payments. If you don’t have a PayPal account set up already the process is pretty simple to set up personal accounts as well as business accounts. Payments can be accepted using existing funds in your PayPal account or with your established banking account or credit/debit card.

Consumer’s prefer PayPal for numerous reasons.  Some of them include:

  • PayPal is always free to use for buyers.  Plus, setting up an account is simple, sign up for a PayPal account
  • It is faster than sending money orders in the mail and no standing in line at the bank or post office
  • Buyers can choose to fund payments with a credit card, bank account, or other source
  • PayPal keeps financial information private.  When a buyer pays using PayPal, the seller never sees the credit card or bank account numbers

The next time you are considering why you should use Gigabark keep in mind the easy payment systems that we have available to make your business solutions that much easier.

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