Nathan Shadle


Nathan is Co-Founder and CTO of Gigabark where he oversees technology direction, implementation, and operations.

Nathan has over 20 years of industry expertise in telecommunications, cellular and traditional telephony, software development, cable and video, network architecture, and customer applications. He has experience architecting and implementing major solutions affecting millions of customer, managing teams, projects, and multi-million dollar labs at AT&T/Lucent, Cisco Systems, Comcast, Cox Communications, Sprint, Motorola, and JP Morgan Chase, as well as a number of smaller firms. Nathan also owned and operated a rental car business with $1M+ in annual sales.

Nathan is originally from East Canton, Ohio, and is a cum laude graduate of Ball State University with a BS degree in Computer Science. Nathan also attended NC State University for graduate school in Electrical Engineering.

Nathan also volunteers his time as a technical consultant or photographer for organizations such as NeuroLogic International (Quito, Ecuador), Mentor Walk (Atlanta), and Pop-Up Play (Philadelphia).
